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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
bù guò /bú guò
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
bat1 gwo3
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Copyleft icon Adso icon Adso: but
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Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: only; merely; no more than; but; however; anyway (to get back to a previous topic)
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里昂(lǐ áng) Lyon, French city on the Rhne
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
(qù) to get rid of
巴黎(bā lí) Paris, capital of France
找工作(zhǎo gōng zuò) to seek work

I am in Lyon, but maybe I'll go to Paris for hunting a job.

(wǒ) I
(qǐ) business
(tú) map
与她( yǔ tā)
保持(bǎo chí) to maintain
友好的( yǒu hǎo de) hail-fellow
关系(guān xì) guanxi
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
那是(nà shì) indeed
不可能(bù kě néng) not able
(dedì) of

I tried to stay on friendly terms with her, but it was impossible.

您的( nín de) your, yours (polite form)
品味(pǐn wèi) to taste
(zhēn) true
(gāo) loud
! 」
店员(diàn yuán) store clerk
叹道( tàn dào) to sigh
。 「
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
我们( men) us
还有(hái yǒu) also
一些(yī xiē) a few
价钱(jiàqián) price
比较(bǐ jiào) quite
相宜(xiāng yí) to be suitable or appropriate
(dedì) of
款式(kuǎn shì) style
(nín) you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你ni3)
真的(zhēn de) really
不要(bù yào) must not
一下(yī xià) a little
(ma) (question tag)
? 」
"You have expensive taste!" the shopkeeper exclaimed. "Are you sure you don't want to look through our cheaper variants first?"

无可厚非(wú kě hòu fēi) see 未可厚非wei4 ke3 hou4 fei1
他是( tā shì)
(qióng) poor
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
他却( tā què)
知足(zhī zú) content with one's situation

It is true that he is poor, but he is contented.

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
可以(kě yǐ) can
(lái) next
我的( de) my
派对(pài duì) party (loanword)
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
你得( nǐ dé)
带来(dài lái) to produce
一件(yī jiàn) piece
礼物(lǐ wù) gift

You can come to my party, but you have to bring me a gift.

她是( tā shì)
外国人(wài guó rén) foreigner
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
(tā) she
中文(zhōng wén) Chinese written language
非常好(fēi cháng hǎo) extremely good

She’s a foreigner, but speaks Chinese excellently.

电视上(diàn shì shàng) on television
看到(kàn dào) to see
(guò) too-
(tā) another
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
看到(kàn dào) to see
(guò) too-
他本人 。
I have seen him on TV but not in the flesh.

(wǒ) I
(jiù) only
(shì) is
(mài) to step
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
(zhè) these
道坎( dào kǎn)

I can't get over it.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
以前(yǐ qián) ago
从不(cóng bù) never
抽烟(chōu yān) to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)
不过(bù guò bú guò) but
现在(xiàn zài) modern
开始(kāi shǐ) to begin
抽了(chōu le) to smoke

Tom never used to smoke, but he does now.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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