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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
bù rèn shí de
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(bat1 ying6 sik1 dik1 )
Short definition unacquainted
Usage frequency Very infrequent
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Sentence examples
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他们(tā men) they
认为(rèn wéi) to believe
(qù) to get rid of
反驳(fǎn bó) to retort
一个(yī gè) a
不认识的( bù rèn shí de) unacquainted
(rén) man
有些(yǒu xiē) some
不礼貌 。
They consider it impolite to disagree with someone they don't know very well.

一开始(yī kāi shǐ) at first
很多(hěn duō) very many
不认识的( bù rèn shí de) unacquainted
单词(dān cí) single word
(hé) with
语法(yǔ fǎ) grammar
形式(xíng shì) shape
但是(dàn shì) but
不要(bù yào) must not
害怕(hài pà) to be scared

At first there will be many unrecognized words and grammatical forms, but don't be scared.

绝大多数(jué dà duō shù) absolute majority
我所( suǒ)
认识的( rèn shí de) cognitive
高中学生(gāo zhōng xué shēng) high school student
无法(wú fǎ) unable
(dú) comma
一个(yī gè) a
他们(tā men) they
不认识的( bù rèn shí de) unacquainted
(zì) word
(hé) with
(yǐ) with
正确的( zhèng què de) errorless
顺序(shùn xù) sequence
(lái) next
发音(fā yīn) to emit sound
字母(zì mǔ) letter (of the alphabet)
更不用说(gèng bù yòng shuō) to say nothing of
正确(zhèng què) correct
(huò) or
自然地(zì rán di) spontaneously
发音(fā yīn) to emit sound
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

The vast majority of high school students I know can't read an unknown word and pronounce the letters in the right order, let alone pronounce it correctly or naturally.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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