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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
bù zhǐ
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
bat1 ji2
Short definition without ceasing
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我们( men) us
不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing
需要(xū yào) to want
足够的( zú gòu de) enow
食水( shí shuǐ)
(huán) yet
需要(xū yào) to want
乾净(gān jìng) clean
(dedì) of
食水( shí shuǐ)

We need not only adequate water but clean water.

不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(lián) as
(bèi) quilt
牵连(qiān lián) to implicate
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

Not only you but also I was involved.

(huā) florid
(dài) age
(jià) price
(suǒ) place
(huàn) to change
一点(yī diǎn) a bit
才智(cái zhì) ability and wisdom
别人(bié rén) others
传授(chuán shòu) to teach
(dedì) of
不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing

An ounce of wit that is bought is worse a pound that is taught.

现在(xiàn zài) modern
不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing
(yào) may
男女(nán nv) male-female
薪金(xīn jīn) wage
平等(píng děng) equality
, 而且还
(yào) may
平均(píng jūn) average
分配(fēn pèi) to assign
家务(jiā wù) household duties

Nowadays, equal pay is not enough. Household responsibilities must also be distributed evenly.

朋友(péng you) friend
(duì) for
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
作出(zuò chū) to put out
善意(shàn yì) kindness
批评(pī píng) criticism
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing
应该(yīng gāi) should
欣然接受( xīn rán jiē shòu) to welcome
还要(hái yào) also to want
感谢(gǎn xiè) thankful
(tā) another

If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not only pleasantly, but thankfully.

(mǎ) surname Ma
不但(bù dàn) not only
刚健(gāng jiàn) energetic
(zōu) ,
高昂(gāo áng) elation
(zōu) ,
昌盛(chāng shèng) prosperous
(zōu) ,
发达(fā dá) to develop
(huán) yet
代表(dài biǎo) delegate
(zhù zhùzhuó) book
奋斗(fèn dòu) to strive
不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing
(zōu) ,
自强不息(zì qiáng bù xī) self-improvement
(dedì) of
民族精神(mín zú jīng shén) nationalist sentiment

The horse does not just represent energy, high spirits, prosperity, development, but also stands for a national spirit of struggling on without stopping, and of striving on without giving up.

觉得(jué de) to feel
汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
(rén) man
不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing
(wǒ) I
一个(yī gè) a

I'm not the only one who thinks Tom is overweight.

伤口(shāng kǒu) wound
流血(liú xuè) to bleed
不止(bù zhǐ) without ceasing

The wound will not stop bleeding.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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