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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
bù rú
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
bat1 yu4
Short definition not to be as good as
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions not to be as good asAdso icon /
Copyleft icon Adso icon Adso: not to be as good as
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Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: sameldc
Copyleft icon LDC icon LDC: not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it would be better to
Copyleft icon Cdict icon CDict: sameldc'
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他有( tā yǒu)
智慧(zhì huì) wisdom
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
(shuō) to scold
(tā) another
聪明(cōng míng) smart

He is more clever than wise.

(shuō) to scold
(tā) she
(měi) good
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
(shuō) to scold
(tā) she
可爱(kě ài) cute

She is more pretty than beautiful.

(shòu) to teach
(zhī) him
(yǐ) with
(yú) fish
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
(shòu) to teach
之以( zhī yǐ)
(yú) to fish

It's better to teach someone how to fish than to give someone a fish.

不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
我们( men) us
走着( zǒu)
(qù) to get rid of
书店(shū diàn) bookstore
(ba) dumb

Why don't we go to the bookstore on foot?

电影(diàn yǐng) film
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
原著(yuán zhù) original work (not translation or abridged)
好看(hǎo kàn) humiliated

The movie was less funny than the book.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
诚实(chéng shí) truthful
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
(shuō) to scold
(tā) another
聪明(cōng míng) smart

Tom is more clever than honest.

咱们(zán men) you
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
(qù) to get rid of
咖啡(kā fēi) coffee

Shall we drink a cup of coffee?

我们( men) us
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
(chàng) to chant
那首( nà shǒu)
英语(yīng yǔ) English
(gē) song
(ba) dumb

I think we'd better sing that English song!

(jīn) money
(wō) den
(yín) relating to money or currency
(wō) den
不如(bù rú) not to be as good as
自己的(zì jǐ de) one's own
狗窝(gǒu wō) kennel

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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