追随者 | 追隨者 | |||
zhuī suí zhě | jeui1 cheui4 je2 | |||
follower / following / adherent / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 卢梭(lú suō) rousseau 是(shì) is 疯狂的( fēng kuáng de) bugs 但有(dànyǒu) 影响力(yǐng xiǎng lì) impact ; 休谟(xiū mó) David Hume (1711-1776), Scottish Enlightenment philosopher 是(shì) is 理智(lǐ zhì) rationality 的(dedì) of 但(dàn) but 没有(méi yǒu) not to have 追随者(zhuī suí zhě) follower 。 Rousseau was mad but influential; Hume was sane but had no followers. | ||||
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追 随 者 |