追随 | 追隨 | |||
zhuī suí | jeui1 cheui4 | |||
to accompany / me-tooism / to follow / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 追随(zhuī suí) me-tooism 你的(nǐde) your 梦想(mèng xiǎng) to hope in vain 。 Follow your dreams. 我的( de) my 首席(shǒu xí) chairman 策略(cè lvè) plot 师(shī) Master 大卫(dà wèi) Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), French neoclassical painter 艾克斯( ài kè sī) Akers 罗德(luó dé) Rhodes , 他(tā) another 一直是( yī zhí shì) 追随(zhuī suí) me-tooism 我的( de) my 伙伴(huǒ bàn) comrade 。 你们(nǐ men) you 组建(zǔ jiàn) to build 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 政治史(zhèng zhì shǐ) political history 上(shàng) upper 最好的(zuìhǎode) greatest 竞选(jìng xuǎn) to run for office 团队(tuán duì) team , 是(shì) is 你们(nǐ men) you 成就(chéng jiù) success 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 今天(jīn tiān) today , 我(wǒ) I 永远(yǒng yuǎn) forever 感谢(gǎn xiè) thankful 你们(nǐ men) you 为此(wèi cǐ) to this end 所(suǒ) place 作(zuò) to be 出的(chūde) 牺牲(xī shēng) to lay down one's life 。 To my chief strategist, David Axelrod, who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics! You made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done. 汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name) 想(xiǎng) to wish 追随(zhuī suí) me-tooism 他(tā) another 父亲的( fù qīn de) father's 脚步(jiǎo bù) footstep 。 Tom wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. | ||||
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追 随 |