迭起 | 迭起 | |||
dié qǐ | dit6 hei2 | |||
occur repeatedly / to arise repeatedly / continuously arising / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 惠子(huì zi) Hui Shi 惠施 (c. 370-310 BC), Warring States philosopher and politician 巧妙地(qiǎo miào di) cunningly 把(bà) stem 碗碟(wǎndié) 迭起(dié qǐ) to arise repeatedly 再(zài) re- 拿到(nádào) to receive 水槽(shuǐ cáo) sink 。 Keiko deftly piles up the dishes and takes them to the sink. | ||||
(Click icons, results will appear below) (What are these?) | ||||
迭 起 |