迪 | 迪 | |||
dí | dik6 | |||
direct / to enlighten / to follow / follow / phonetic di as in Disney 迪斯尼 or disco 迪斯科 / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 当(dàng) when 迪(dí) direct 马(mǎ) surname Ma 尝试(cháng shì) to try 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 打(dǎ) from 九(jiǔ) nine 六(liù) 6 六(liù) 6 的时候( de shí hòu) when , 他(tā) another 开始(kāi shǐ) to begin 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 放弃(fàng qì) to give up 希望(xī wàng) to desire 。 By the time that he tried 966, Dima was beginning to give up hope. 冯(féng) great 迪(dí) direct 索(suǒ) to ask 在做(zàizuò) 俯卧撑(fǔ wò chēng) push-up 时(shí) when , 并不是( bìng bù shì) really not to be 把(bà) stem 自身(zì shēn) itself 往上(wǎng shàng) Upgrade 推(tuī) to cut , 而(ér) with 是在(shìzài) 把(bà) stem 地球(dì qiú) planet 向下(xiàng xià) downward 推(tuī) to cut 。 When Vin Diesel does pushups, he's not pushing himself up - he's pushing the Earth down. 萨尔(sà ěr) Sarh 曼(màn) long · 鲁(lǔ) rude 西(xī) west 迪(dí) direct 的(dedì) of 《 撒旦(sā dàn) Satan or Shaitan 诗篇(shī piān) a poem 》 是(shì) is 现代文学(xiàndàiwénxué) contemporary literature 的(dedì) of 真正的( zhēn zhèng de) really 杰作(jié zuò) (n) masterpiece “The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie is a real masterpiece of modern literature. 睡好(shuì hǎo) to sleep well , 迪(dí) direct 米(mǐ) rice 。 Sleep well, Timmy. 他用(tā yòng) diversion 他的( tā de) 迪(dí) direct 吉里( jí lǐ) Giri 杜(dù) to stop 管(guǎn) pipe 勾引(gōu yǐn) to tempt 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 她(tā) she 。 He seduced her with his didgeridoo. 我在(wǒzài) 物理课 遇到(yù dào) to meet 一个(yī gè) a 家伙(jiāhuǒ) chap 用(yòng) hence P V C 管(guǎn) pipe 做了(zuòle) 迪(dí) direct 吉里( jí lǐ) Giri 杜(dù) to stop 管(guǎn) pipe 。 A guy I met in my physics class made a didgeridoo out of PVC pipe. 莫(mò) do not 纳(nà) to accept 迪(dí) direct 偷了(tōule) to steal 巴(bā) to wish 亚(yà) sub- 的(dedì) of 墨镜(mò jìng) sunglasses 。 Mennad stole Baya's sunglasses. | ||||
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迪 |