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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
zhè xiē
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
je2 se1
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Usage frequency Very common
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这些(zhè xiē) these
杂志(zá zhì) magazine
(duì) for
小孩(xiǎo hái) child
(dedì) of
影响很大 。
Such magazines have a great influence on children.

这些(zhè xiē) these
(shū) book
(hé) with
衣服(yīfú) clothes
都是(dōushì) all
你的(nǐde) your

These books and clothes are all yours.

这些(zhè xiē) these
就是(jiù shì) if
我们( men) us
(zuò) to do
决定(jué dìng) decision

These are the decisions we've made.

这些(zhè xiē) these
绑匪(bǎng fěi) kidnapper
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
放弃的( fàng qì de) renunciative
迹象(jī xiàng jì xiàng) sign

The kidnappers showed no sign of giving up.

不要(bù yào) must not
触碰(chùpèng) to come into contact with
这些(zhè xiē) these
货物(huò wù) goods

Don't touch the goods.

这些(zhè xiē) these
餐巾(cān jīn) napkin
颜色(yán sè) color
相同(xiāng tóng) same
(dàn) but
大小(dà xiǎo) size
不同(bù tóng) different

The colours of the napkins are the same, but the sizes are not.

这些(zhè xiē) these
苹果(píng guǒ) apple
看起来(kàn qǐ lái) seemingly
(hěn) quite
新鲜(xīn xiān) novel

These apples look very fresh.

这些(zhè xiē) these
(diǎn) to hint
都是(dōushì) all
病毒(bìng dú) virus
集中的( jí zhōng de) centralized
地方(dì fang) area

All those dots are viral focuses.

这些(zhè xiē) these
照片(zhào piàn) picture
总是(zǒng shì) always
(ràng) to yield
我想(wǒxiǎng) I guess
(qǐ) to rise
昔日(xī rì) formerly
时光(shí guāng) era

These pictures always remind me of the old days.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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