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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
zhè yī
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(je5 yat1 )
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这一( zhè yī)
家人(jiā rén) household servant
一起(yī qǐ yì qǐ) one
看电影(kàn diàn yǐng) to watch films

The family is watching a movie together.

除了(chú le) besides
抱怨(bào yuàn) to grumble
这一( zhè yī)
整天(zhěng tiān) whole day
(tā) she
什么(shén me shén me yě méi yǒu) who?
(zuò) to do

She did nothing all day except complain.

未来的(wèi lái de) future
人类(rén lèi) mankind
: “
古代(gǔ dài) ancient times
(suǒ) place
创造的( chuàng zào de) created
(zhè) these
(tái) platform
U n i x
机器(jī qì) machine
(zōu) ,
它的( tā de)
历法(lì fǎ) variant of 曆法历法 calendar
(zhǐ zhīzhī) only
(dào) to go
2 0 3 8
(nián) year
(yuè) moon
1 9
(rì) sun
这一( zhè yī)
(tiān) sky
(jiù) only
为止(wéi zhǐ) until
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
因此(yīn cǐ) thus
(nà nā nā) Na
一天(yī tiān) one day
必将(bì jiāng) inevitably
(shì) is
地球(dì qiú) planet
灭亡(miè wáng) to perish
之日(zhī rì) day
。 ”
Person of the future: "The calendar of this Unix machine that the ancients built only goes up to January 19, 2038. As such, I am convinced that this marks the day of the Earth's destruction."

民主(mín zhǔ) democratic
这一( zhè yī)
(biān bian) side

I am on the side of democracy.

(wǒ) I
从来不(cóng lái bù) never
(shì) is
可能(kě néng) maybe
获得(huò dé) to obtain
这一( zhè yī)
职务的( zhí wù de) functionary
候选人(hòu xuǎn rén) candidate
我们( men) us
并没有( bìng méi yǒu)
(tài) too
(duō) many
资金(zī jīn) funds
也没有(yě méi yǒu) also not to be
得到(dé dào) to get
许多人( xǔ duō rén)
(dedì) of
支持(zhī chí) backing
我们的(wǒmende) our
竞选活动(jìng xuǎn huó dòng) competition
并非(bìng fēi) really is not
始自( shǐ zì)
华盛顿的( huá shèng dùn de) washingtonian
大厅(dà tīng) hall
(lǐ) village
而是(ér shì) rather
始于( shǐ yú)
得梅因(děi méi yīn) Des Moines
(zōu) ,
康科德(kāng kē dé) Concord, capital of US state New Hampshire
(zōu) ,
查尔斯顿(chá ěr sī dùn) Charleston
这些(zhè xiē) these
地方的( di fāng de) endemic
普通民众(pǔ tōng mín zhòng) the masses
家中(jiā zhōng) home
那些(nà xiē) those
辛勤工作的人( qīn qín gōng zuò de rén) plodder
(men) plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals
(cóngcóng) from
自己(zì jǐ) herself
微薄的( wēi bó de) meager
储蓄(chǔ xù) to save
(zhōngzhòng) among
捐出(juān chū) to contribute
I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines, and the living rooms of Concord, and the front porches of Charleston. It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause.

9 1 1
事件(shì jiàn) event
(ràng) to yield
世人(shì rén) common people
震惊(zhèn jīng) to shock
全球(quán qiú) total
所有的(suǒ yǒu de) all
政治家(zhèng zhì jiā) politician
(dū) all
一致(yī zhì) unanimously
谴责(qiǎn zé) criticism
恐怖分子(kǒng bù fèn zǐ) terrorist
(dedì) of
这一( zhè yī)
(yīngyìng) should
斥责(chì zé) to lash out
(dedì) of
行径(xíng jìng) path

Shocked by the events of September 11th, politicians all over the world condemned the terrorists for their reprehensible deed.

你的(nǐde) your
英文(yīng wén) English
成绩(chéng jì chéng jī) grades
很好(hěn hǎo) well
不会(bù huì) not able
(bèi) quilt
分派(fēn pài) to allocate
(dào) to go
这一( zhè yī)
(bān) team

Your English is too good to be in this class.

这一( zhè yī)
(zhèn) wave
(wǒ) I
很忙( hěn máng)

I'm very busy these days!

这一( zhè yī)
最好的(zuìhǎode) greatest
方法(fāng fǎ) way

This is definitely the best way.

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