划 | 劃 | |||
huá /huá/huà | waak6 | |||
to delimit / to draw (a line) / stroke of a Chinese character / to assign / to transfer / to differentiate / to delete / to mark off / to scratch a surface / to plan / | ||||
Cantofish: to delimit; to transfer; to assign; to differentiate; to mark off; to draw (a line); to delete; stroke of a Chinese character; to scratch a surface
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Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 我的( de) my 姓(xìng) to be surnamed 、(zōu) , 名(míng) name 一(yī) all 共有(gòng yǒu) in all 五十(wǔ shí) fifty 划(huá huáhuà) to plan , 写起来(xiěqǐlái) to write 麻烦(máfán) annoying 得很(dehěn) very (much, good etc) 。 It's a lot of trouble to write my name, because it takes 50 strokes to write both my first and last names. 这(zhè) these 计(jì) gauge 划(huá huáhuà) to plan 执行起来 花销(huā xiāo) expenses 会(huìkuài) will 很大(hěn dà) tremendous 。 This plan will be very expensive to carry out. 他(tā) another 划(huá huáhuà) to plan 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 一根( yī gēn) 火柴(huǒ chái) match (for lighting fire) 。 He struck a match. 这(zhè) these 计(jì) gauge 划(huá huáhuà) to plan 很好(hěn hǎo) well 。 It's a very good plan. | ||||
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