分之一 | 分之一 | |||
fēn zhī yī | /(fan1 ji1 yat1 ) | |||
(indicating fraction) / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 仅(jǐn) only 三(sān) 3 分之一(fēn zhī yī) (indicating fraction) 的(dedì) of 成员(chéng yuán) member 出席(chū xí) to participate 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 会议(huì yì) meeting 。 Only one third of the members turned up at the meeting. 据统计(jù tǒng jì) according to statistics , 数百(shù bǎi) several hundred 名(míng) name 员工(yuán gōng) staff 不得不(bù děi bù bù dé bù) to have no choice but 工作上(gōng zuò shàng) at work 百(bǎi) 100 个(gè) variant of 個个ge4 小时(xiǎo shí) hour 出现(chū xiàn) to arise 的(dedì) of 失误(shī wù) lapse 与(yǔ yùyù) and 计算机(jì suàn jī) computer 在(zài) (located) at 百万(bǎi wàn) millions 分之一(fēn zhī yī) (indicating fraction) 秒(miǎo) second (of time) 的(dedì) of 时间内(shí jiān nèi) within a period of time 才会(cáihuì) only then will 犯(fàn) crime 的(dedì) of 错(cuò) bad 同样(tóng yàng) equal 巨大(jù dà) enormous 。 It was calculated that hundreds of workers would have to work a hundred hours to make a mistake as enormous as that which a computer can make in a millionth of a second. | ||||
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分 之 一 |