出差 | 出差 | |||
chū chāi | cheut1 chaai1 | |||
to go on an official or business trip / be on a business trip / to go on a business trip / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 我爸爸(wǒbàbà) 经常(jīng cháng) daily 去(qù) to get rid of 美国(měi guó) American 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip 。 My father often goes to the United States on business. 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 去国外(qù guó wài) to go abroad 是(shì) is 玩儿( wán er) to hang out 还是(hái shì) or 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip ? Did you go abroad for pleasure or on business? 终究(zhōng jiū) eventually 天神(tiān shén) god 偶尔(ǒu ěr) sometimes 也会(yěhuì) 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip 错(cuò) bad 。 After all, even the gods may err at times. 他(tā) another 因(yīn) because of 公(gōng) fair 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip 到(dào) to go 名古屋(míng gǔ wū) Nagoya, city in Japan 。 He's gone to Nagoya on business. 他(tā) another 去(qù) to get rid of 名古屋(míng gǔ wū) Nagoya, city in Japan 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip 。 He's gone to Nagoya on business. 我(wǒ) I 好久(hǎo jiǔ) quite a while 没(mò) without 见(jiàn jiàn) to see 我(wǒ) I 父母(fù mǔ) parents 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright , 老板(lǎo bǎn) boss 派(pài) group 我去(wǒqù) 英国(yīng guó) English 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip , 我(wǒ) I 趁(chèn) to take the chance 这个(zhè gè) this one 机会(jī huì) chance 回家(huí jiā) to go home 看望(kàn wàng) to visit 父母(fù mǔ) parents I have not seen my parents in a long time, my boss has sent me to England for a business trip, I'll use the opportunity to visit my parents. 据我所知(jù wǒ suǒ zhī) as far as I know , 他的( tā de) 计画(jì huà) plan 没有(méi yǒu) not to have 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip 错(cuò) bad 。 As far as I know, there is nothing wrong with his plan. 他(tā) another 去(qù) to get rid of 纽约(niǔ yuē) New York 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 。 He went to New York on business. 我在(wǒzài) 这里(zhè lǐ) here 出差(chū chāi) to go on a business trip 。 I'm here on business. | ||||
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