几号 | 幾號 | |||
jǐhào | /(gei2 hou6 ) | |||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 今天是(jīntiānshì) 几月(jǐyuè) 几号(jǐhào) ? What is the date today? 你的(nǐde) your 生日(shēng rì) birthday 是(shì) is 几月(jǐyuè) 几号(jǐhào) ? When is your birthday? 今天是(jīntiānshì) 几号(jǐhào) ? What's the date today? 今天(jīn tiān) today 几号(jǐhào) ? What's today's date? 明天(míng tiān) tomorrow 几月(jǐyuè) 几号(jǐhào) ? What is the date tomorrow? 抱歉(bào qiàn) sorry , 地铁(dì tiě) subway 几号(jǐhào) 线(xiàn) wire 去(qù) to get rid of 市中心(shì zhōng xīn) downtown ? Excuse me, which subway line is to the city centre? 你家( nǐ jiā) 的(dedì) of 电话号码(diàn huà hào mǎ) telephone number 几号(jǐhào) ? What's your home phone number? 你的(nǐde) your 生日(shēng rì) birthday 是(shì) is 几号(jǐhào) ? What is your date of birth? 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 穿(chuān) to wear 几号(jǐhào) 的(dedì) of 鞋子(xié zǐ xié zi) shoes ? What size shoes do you wear? | ||||
(Click icons, results will appear below) (What are these?) | ||||
几 号 |