几乎不 | 幾乎不 | |||
jī hū bù | gei1 fu4 bat1 | |||
hardly / seems not / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 我(wǒ) I 感(gǎn) emotion 觉(jué) awake 困得( kūn dé) 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 能(néng) may 睁开(zhēng kāi) to open the eyes 我的( de) my 眼睛(yǎn jīng) eyes 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 。 I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. 我们( men) us 爱(ài) to like 自己的(zì jǐ de) one's own 母亲(mǔ qīn) also pr. mu3 qin5 , 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 无从(wú cóng) not to have access 知晓(zhī xiǎo) to know , 无从(wú cóng) not to have access 感受(gǎn shòu) to sense , 就像(jiù xiàng) just like 是(shì) is 活着( huó) alive 的(dedì) of 本能(běn néng) instinct 。 We love our mother almost without knowing it, without feeling it, as it is as natural as to live. 我们( men) us 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 抱(bào) to hold 他还( tā huán) 活着( huó) alive 的(dedì) of 希望(xī wàng) to desire 。 There is little, if any, hope of his being alive. 这是(zhèshì) 我看(wǒkàn) 过(guò) too- 最(zuì) the most 蓝的( lán de) 蓝莓(lán méi) blueberry 。 他们的( tā men de) their 蓝(lán) blue 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 是(shì) is 自然的(zì rán) natural 。 These are the bluest blueberries I have ever seen. They're almost unnaturally blue. 现在(xiàn zài) modern 我(wǒ) I 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 看(kàn) to read 电视(diàn shì) TV 。 I almost never watch TV nowadays. 当(dàng) when 雨(yǔ) to wet 开始(kāi shǐ) to begin 下(xià) below 得很(dehěn) very (much, good etc) 大的(tàde) bigger 时候(shíhòu) time 我(wǒ) I 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 能(néng) may 出门(chū mén) exit door 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 。 I had hardly left home when it began to rain heavily. 他们(tā men) they 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 给(jǐ) to provide 我们( men) us 添麻烦(tiān mā fán) to inconvenience 。 They gave us very little trouble. 凯特(kǎi tè) Kate (name) 几乎不(jī hū bù) hardly 会(huìkuài) will 说中文(shuō zhōng wén) to speak Chinese 。 Kate can hardly speak Chinese. | ||||
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几 乎 不 |