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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
jué xīn
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
kyut3 sam1
Short definition determined
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions determinedCdict iconMDBG icon / resolutionCdict iconMDBG icon / determinationCdict iconMDBG icon / to make up one's mindCdict iconMDBG icon / firm and resoluteCdict iconMDBG icon / to resolveAdso icon /
Copyleft icon Adso icon Adso: to resolve
Copyleft icon Cantofish icon Cantofish: samecdic
Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind; CL:個|个[ge4]
Copyleft icon LDC icon LDC: determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind; Resolution
Copyleft icon Cdict icon CDict: determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind'
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这一年( zhè yī nián) this year
(wǒ) I
决心(jué xīn) determined
(xiě) to write
日记(rì jì) diary

I've decided to keep a diary this year.

知情者(zhī qíng zhě) informed person
(shuō) to scold
, “
(tā) she
从来不(cóng lái bù) never
(huìkuài) will
评判(píng pàn) to appraise
自己的(zì jǐ de) one's own
成就(chéng jiù) success
但是(dàn shì) but
(tā) she
成功地(chéng gōng de) successfully
(zuò) to do
好了(hǎo le) ready
(tā) she
决心(jué xīn) determined
(shì) item
。 ”
"She would never judge her own accomplishments, but she has succeeded in achieving what she set out to do in her first year," the source said.

(tā) another
很快(hěn kuài) quickly
(jiù) only
(xià) below
决心(jué xīn) determined

He made up his mind right away.

(ràng) to yield
我们( men) us
记住(jìzhù) to remember
(shì) is
伊利诺伊州(yī lì nuò yī zhōu) Illinois state
(dedì) of
一名( yī míng)
男子(nán zǐ) a male
首次(shǒu cì) for the first time
(jiāngjiàngqiāng) ready
共和党(gòng hé dǎng) Republican Party
(dedì) of
旗帜(qí zhì) banner
( gāng) to bear
到了(dào le dào liǎo) finally
白宫(bái gōng) White House
共和党(gòng hé dǎng) Republican Party
(shì) is
建立(jiàn lì) to found
(zài) (located) at
自立(zì lì) independent
(zōu) ,
个人(gè rén) personal
自由(zì yóu) liberty
以及(yǐ jí) too
国家(guó jiā) state
团结的( tuán jié de) unitive
价值观(jià zhí guān) system of values
之上(zhī shàng) above
(dedì) of
(zhè) these
也是(yě shì) also to be
我们( men) us
所有人(suǒ yǒu rén) everyone
共同的( gòng tóng de) conjunct
价值观(jià zhí guān) system of values
虽然(suī rán) even if
民主党(mín zhǔ dǎng) Democratic Party
今天晚上(jīn tiān wǎn shang) tonight
赢得了(yíng dé le) to be capable of winning
巨大的( jù dà de) vasty
胜利(shèng lì) victory
(dàn) but
我们( men) us
是以(shì yǐ) so
谦卑(qiān bēi) humble
(dedì) of
态度(tài du) manner
(hé) with
弥合(mí hé) to cause a wound to close up and heal

Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual liberty and national unity. Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.

到了(dào le dào liǎo) finally
最后的( zuì hòu de) Last
我的( de) my
决心(jué xīn) determined
突然(tū rán) sudden
动摇(dòng yáo) to rock
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

My resolution dissolved at the last moment.

我们( men) us
决心(jué xīn) determined
保卫祖国(bǎo wèi zǔ guó) to defend one's country

We are determined to protect the motherland.

如果(rú guǒ) if
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(mò) without
决心(jué xīn) determined
做好(zuò hǎo) to carry out well
男人(nán rén) men
(nà nā nā) Na
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
不到(bù dào) less than
(hǎo hàohào) so
女人(nv rén) wife

If you don't resolve to become a good man, then you just won't get a good woman.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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