冰淇淋 | 冰淇淋 | |||
bīng qí lín | bing1 kei4 lam4 | |||
ice cream / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 当且仅当(dāng qiě jǐn dāng) if and only if 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 是(shì) is 香草(xiāng cǎo) vanilla 口味(kǒu wèi) flavor , 小王(xiǎo wáng) Young Wang 会(huìkuài) will 吃(chī) to eat 这个(zhè gè) this one 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 。 If and only if the ice-cream is vanilla flavour will Xiao Wang eat it. 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 会(huìkuài) will 融化(róng huà) to melt 所以(suǒ yǐ) as a result 我把(wǒbǎ) 它(tā) it (used for animals) 放在(fàng zài) to place at 冰箱(bīng xiāng) icebox 里(lǐ) village 。 The ice-cream will melt, so I put it in the fridge. 热得(rèdé) 想吃( xiǎng chī) 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 。 The heat is making me crave for an ice cream. 给(jǐ) to provide 我留(wǒliú) 点(diǎn) to hint 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 。 Leave me a bit of ice cream. 如果(rú guǒ) if 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 买给(mǎigěi) 我(wǒ) I 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream , 我(wǒ) I 就(jiù) only 亲(qīnqìng) pro- 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 一下(yī xià) a little 。 If you buy me an ice cream, I'll give you a kiss. 我吃( chī) 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 从没(cóng méi) never did 不高兴(bù gāo xìng) unhappy 过(guò) too- 。 I never have an ice cream without feeling happy. 在那( zài nà) 滩(tān) shoal 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 的(dedì) of 周围(zhōu wéi) environment , 有(yǒu) some 一群(yī qún) gang 蚂蚁(mǎ yǐ) (n) ant 在(zài) (located) at 爬来爬去 。 The area around the melting ice cream was crawling with ants. 我不会(wǒbúhuì) 吃(chī) to eat 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 。 I will not eat ice cream. 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 不应该(bù yīng gāi) should not 吃(chī) to eat 这么多(zhè me duō) so many 冰淇淋(bīng qí lín) ice cream 。 You shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. | ||||
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冰 淇 淋 |