冰 | 冰 | |||
bīng | bing1 | |||
methamphetamine (slang) / ice / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name) 的(dedì) of 手(shǒu) hands 像(xiàng) such as 冰(bīng) ice 一样(yī yàng yí yàng) identically 。 Tom's hands felt like ice. 我(wǒ) I 冰(bīng) ice 死了(sǐ le) to die 。 I'm freezing! 来(lái) next 杯(bēi) sporting trophy 冰(bīng) ice 啤酒(pí jiǔ) beer 就(jiù) only 太棒了(tài bàng le) terrific ! A cold beer would hit the spot! 滑(huá) to slip 完(wán) to finish 冰(bīng) ice 后(hòu) behind , 我(wǒ) I 发现(fā xiàn) to discover 我(wǒ) I 食欲(shí yù) appetite 大增(dà zēng) vastly to increase 。 After skiing, I find that I have a voracious appetite. 湖上的( hú shàng de) lacustrine 冰(bīng) ice 太(tài) too 薄(bó bò bò) weak 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright , 承受不了(chéng shòu bu liǎo) to be unable to bear 你的(nǐde) your 重量(zhòng liàng) weight 。 The ice on the lake is too thin to bear your weight. 水(shuǐ) liquid 结(jiéjiē) firm 冰(bīng) ice 后(hòu) behind 成为(chéng wéi) to become 固体(gù tǐ) solid 。 Water becomes solid when it freezes. 水中的( shuǐ zhōng de) subaqueous 冰(bīng) ice 溶(róng) soluble 掉了(diàole) to fall off 。 The ice in the water melted. 低温(dī wēn) (n) relatively low temperature 使(shǐ) envoy 水(shuǐ) liquid 变成(biàn chéng) to change into 冰(bīng) ice 。 Low temperatures turn water into ice. 小(xiǎo) few 冰(bīng) ice 箱(xiāng) box 很脏( hěn zàng) 。 The little fridge is dirty. | ||||
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冰 |