冠军 | 冠軍 | |||
guàn jūn | gun3 gwan1 | |||
champion / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 他(tā) another 赢(yíng) to win 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 冠军(guàn jūn) champion 就(jiù) only 自吹自擂(zì chuī zì léi) to boast 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright 起来(qǐ lai qi lai) to stand up 。 He boasted of having won the first prize. 他在( tā zài) 国际象棋(guó jì xiàng qí) chess 比赛(bǐ sài) match 中(zhōngzhòng) among 取得了(qǔ dé le) to obtain 冠军(guàn jūn) champion 。 He carried off the first prize at the chess tournament. 在(zài) (located) at 一(yī) all 九五(jiǔwǔ) 八年(bā nián) eight years , 巴西(bā xī) Brazil 首次(shǒu cì) for the first time 夺得了(duó dé le) to have seized 世界杯(shì jiè bēi) World Cup 的(dedì) of 冠军(guàn jūn) champion 。 In 1958, Brazil won its first World Cup victory. 我们( men) us 要(yào) may 连胜(liánshèng) 七(qī) seven 局(jú) office , 才能(cái néng) can then 在(zài) (located) at 这场( zhè chǎng) 锦标赛(jǐn biāo sài) championship contest 中(zhōngzhòng) among 夺得(duó dé) to seize (power) 冠军(guàn jūn) champion 。 We have to win seven times in a row to win this tournament. 大家(dà jiā) everyone 都(dū) all 渴望(kě wàng) desire 知道(zhī dào) to know 前(qián) first 冠军(guàn jūn) champion 得主(dé zhǔ děi zhǔ) main recipient 发生了(fā shēng le) to have happened 什么(shén me shén me yě méi yǒu) who? 。 Everyone is anxious to know what has become of the former champion. 我(wǒ) I 和他( hé tā) 竞争(jìng zhēng) competitive 冠军(guàn jūn) champion 。 I competed with him for the championship. | ||||
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冠 军 |