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/(se2 dik1 )
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同一个(tóng yī ge) the same
含义(hán yì) hint
可以(kě yǐ) can
(yòng) hence
很多(hěn duō) very many
不同(bù tóng) different
方式(fāng shì) mode
句子(jù zi) sentence
(lái) next
表示(biǎo shì) to say

You can write a sentence in a lot of ways and still keep the general message intact.

加拿大(jiā ná dà) Canada
(guó) state
(gē) song
(dedì) of
歌词(gē cí) lyrics
最初(zuì chū) first
法文(fǎ wén) French language

The text of the national anthem of Canada was first written in French.

(wǒ) I
(dú) comma
(shū) book
里面(lǐ miàn) inside
(zuì) the most
一本( yī běn)
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

This is the worst book I've ever read.

(tā) another
(xǐ) to like
(huān) joyous
看他( kàn tā)
爸爸( bà bà) (informal) father
(zài) (located) at
美国(měi guó) American
中文书( zhōng wén shū)

He likes reading the Chinese book his father wrote in America.

(tā) another
(zhù) to stay
(yuàn) courtyard
(shí) when
大部分(dà bù fēn) the majority
太太(tài tai) wife
给他( gěi tā)
(xìn) mail
(yóu) from
护士(hùshì) nurse
(dú) comma
给他( gěi tā)
(tīng) to sentence

Most letters from his wife were read to him by the nurse in the hospital.

路标(lù biāo) a roadsign
(shàng) upper
什么(shén me shén me yě méi yǒu) who?
? 单向行驶 。
What is written on the road sign? - ONE WAY.

这首诗( zhè shǒu shī) this poem
(shì) is
昨晚(zuó wǎn) last night

This poem was written last night.

这个(zhè gè) this one
故事(gù shì) story
是基于( shì jī yú) are based on
真实(zhēn shí) true
事件(shì jiàn) event

This story is based on actual events.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
告诉(gàosù) to tell
(tā) she
那首( nà shǒu)
(shī) poem
(shì) is
自己(zì jǐ) herself
(liǎng) two
年前(nián qián) years ago

Tom told her that he had written that poem two years before.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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