内容 | 內容 | |||
nèi róng | noi6 yung4 | |||
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Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 虽然(suī rán) even if F l a s h 的(dedì) of 内容(nèi róng) details 在(zài) (located) at 不能(bù néng) to be unable i P a d 显示(xiǎn shì) to show , 只要(zhǐ yào) if only 把(bà) stem 网页(wǎng yè) webpage 的(dedì) of U R L 发到(fādào) 自己的(zì jǐ de) one's own 邮箱(yóu xiāng) mailbox , 回家(huí jiā) to go home 便(biànbiàn pián) so 可以(kě yǐ) can 在(zài) (located) at 普通(pǔ tōng) common 电脑(diàn nǎo) computer 里(lǐ) village 观看(guān kàn) to watch 。 You can't view Flash content on an iPad. However, you can easily email yourself the URLs of these web pages and view that content on your regular computer when you get home. 用(yòng) hence 自(zì) from 己(jǐ) hexa 的(dedì) of 语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language 把(bà) stem 课文(kè wén) text 内容(nèi róng) details 复述(fù shù) to retell 。 Use your own words to retell the content of the lesson. 关于(guān yú) about 下面(xiàmiàn) next 的(dedì) of 内容(nèi róng) details , 我想(wǒxiǎng) I guess 确认(què rèn) to verify 两件事(liǎngjiànshì) 情(qíng) amorous 。 Concerning the content below, I want to verify two things. 「 说到(shuō dào) to speak of 一百(yī bǎi) a hundred 零(líng) extra 八(bā) 8 , 这(zhè) these 不就是(bújiùshì) 代表(dài biǎo) delegate 烦恼的( fán nǎo de) touchy 数字(shù zì) figure 吗(ma) (question tag) 。 」 「 那么(nà me) so 你有(nǐyǒu) 甚么(shén me) who? 烦恼(fán nǎo) worries 呀(yāyā) (final part.) ? 」 「 告诉(gàosù) to tell 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 并不是( bìng bù shì) really not to be 不(bù) not 可以(kě yǐ) can , 但是(dàn shì) but 内容(nèi róng) details 会给(huì gěi) will give 河蟹(hé xiè) river crabs 掉(diào) to drop 的(dedì) of 。 」 "Talking about 108, that's the number of worldly passions." "What worldly passions have you got then?" "I could say, but it'll get censored out." 这本书( zhè běn shū) 的(dedì) of 内容(nèi róng) details 是什么 ? What is the book about? 提交(tí jiāo) submit (a report, etc) 工作(gōng zuò) job 内容(nèi róng) details 之前(zhī qián) ago 请(qǐng) to ask 仔细检查(zǎi xì jiǎn chá) scrutiny , 这里有(zhèlǐyǒu) 疏忽的( shū hū de) unwary 地方(dì fang) area 。 Edit your work better before you submit it, it's sloppy. 在(zài) (located) at 人(rén) man 际(jì) time 交往(jiāo wǎng) association 中(zhōngzhòng) among , 第一(dì yī) first 印象(yìn xiàng) impression 决定(jué dìng) decision 着([missing]) to use 将要(jiāng yào) shall 发生的事情( fā shēng de shì qíng) goings-on 内容(nèi róng) details 的(dedì) of 百分之五十(bǎi fēn zhī wǔ shí) fifty percent 以上(yǐ shàng) over 。 When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever happens next. 我(wǒ) I 几(jǐ) a few 乎(hū) at 完全(wán quán) complete 跟不上(gēn bù shàng) not able to keep up with J a n e 的(dedì) of 演讲(yǎn jiǎng) to make a speech 内容(nèi róng) details 。 I could hardly follow what Jane said in her speech. 请(qǐng) to ask 把(bà) stem 内容(nèi róng) details 浓缩(nóng suō) concentration 至(zhì) most 六十个 英文字(yīngwénzì) 以内(yǐ nèi) within 。 Summarize the contents in 60 English words. | ||||
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