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(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(zuò) to do
那份( nà fēn)
(jiān) and
(zhí) office
工作(gōng zuò) job
最多(zuì duō) at most
(néng) may
日元(rì yuán) also written 日圓日圆

You can make up to 80,000 yen a month in that part-time job.

这个(zhè gè) this one
诗人(shī rén) poet
(jiān) and
学者(xué zhě) scholar
死了(sǐ le) to die

The poet and scholar is dead.

一个(yī gè) a
认真的(rèn zhēn de) serious
文员(wén yuán) clerk
在家里( zài jiā lǐ) at home
一个(yī gè) a
(hǎo hàohào) so
妻子(qī zi) wife
(jiān) and
(hǎo hàohào) so
母亲(mǔ qīn) also pr. mu3 qin5

I am a serious clerk, and at home, I am a good wife and mother.

斯蒂芬(sī dì fēn) Stephen or Steven (name)
奥布( ào bù) Aub
莱恩(lái ēn) Ryan
联合国(lián hé guó) United Nations
负责人(fù zé rén) responsible person
(dào) way
主义(zhǔ yì) -ism
事务(shì wù) work
副秘书长(fù mì shū cháng fù mì shū zhǎng) vice-secretary
(jiān) and
紧急(jǐn jí) urgent
救济(jiù jì) aid
协调员(xié tiáo yuán) coordinator
声称(shēng chēng) to claim
(zài) (located) at
也门(yě mén) Yemen
(zōu) ,
索马里(suǒ mǎ lǐ) Somalia
(zōu) ,
(nán) South Africa
苏丹(sū dān) Sudan
(hé) with
尼日利亚(ní rì lì yà) Nigeria, West Africa
超过(chāo guò) more than
2 0 0 0
万人(wàn rén) everyman
面临(miàn lín) to be confronted with
饥荒(jī huāng) debt
(dedì) of
威胁(wēi xié) to threaten

Stephen O'Brien, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, has said that more than 20 million people faced the threat of starvation and famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria.

萨克斯管(sà kè sī guǎn) saxophone
吹奏(chuī zòu) to play (wind instruments)
(zhě) (old) this
常常(cháng cháng) frequently
(jiān) and
演奏(yǎn zòu) to play a musical instrument
长笛(cháng dí) (Western) concert flute
(duì) for
主要(zhǔ yào zhǔ yāo) main
乐器(yuè qì) musical instrument
而言(ér yán) speaking of
它们(tā men) they
具有(jù yǒu) to have
类似的( lèi shì de) a similar
指法(zhǐ fǎ) finger method in painting

Saxophonists often double on flutes, which have similar fingerings to their primary instruments.

(wǒ) I
(bì) must
(xū) beard
(zhǎo) to seek
(jiān) and
(zhí) office
工作(gōng zuò) job

I have to find a part-time job.

我得( dé)
(zhǎo) to seek
(jiān) and
(zhí) office
工作(gōng zuò) job

I'll have to find a part-time job.

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