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/(kei4 sat6 si6 )
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(bù) not
(dé děiděi) must
(bù) not
结束的( jié shù de) closing

Actually, it must end.

翻译(fān yì) translation
一件(yī jiàn) piece
吃力不讨好(chī lì bù tǎo hǎo) strenuous and unrewarding
(dedì) of
(shì) item
因为(yīn wèi) because
一种(yī zhǒng) one type of
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language
(zài) (located) at
另一种(lìng yī zhǒng) another type of
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language
中的(zhòng dì) to hit the target
对应(duì yìng) homologous
(wù) object
藏在( cáng zài)
往往(wǎng wǎng) frequently
隐藏(yǐn cáng) covert
(zài) (located) at
深不可测(shēn bù kě cè) incomprehensible
之处(zhī chù) aspect
翻译者(fān yì zhě) interpreter
需要(xū yào) to want
百般(bǎi bān) in hundred and one ways
寻觅(xún mì) to look for
而且(ér qiě) moreover
挑剔的( tiāo tī de) picky
读者(dú zhě) reader
糊弄( hū nòng) to fool

In reality, translation is akin to working for peanuts, since the corresponding meaning of something in one language is often hidden in some deep and impenetrable recesses of the other. As a result, the translator is forced to search all over... Never mind that the picky reader is very difficult to fool.

(tā) another
(kàn) to read
起来(qǐ lai qi lai) to stand up
(xiàng) such as
(gè) variant of 個个ge4
运动员(yùn dòng yuán) athlete
但是(dàn shì) but
(gè) variant of 個个ge4
作家(zuò jiā) author

He looks like a sportsman, but he is a writer.

那些(nà xiē) those
葡萄(pú tao) grape
看起来(kàn qǐ lái) seemingly
(dàn) but
酸的( suān de) acerbic

Those grapes look sweet, but in fact they're sour.

(shuǐ) liquid
(hé) with
(bīng) ice
虽然(suī rán) even if
形态(xíng tài) form
不同(bù tóng) different
(dàn) but
(tòng) together
一种(yī zhǒng) one type of
物质(wù zhì) matter

Water and ice are the same substance in different forms.

(wǒ) I
为了(wèi le) in order to
地球的( di qiú de) earth's
环境(huán jìng) ambient
」 ,
(dàn) but
为了(wèi le) in order to
住在(zhù zài) to live in
地球上的人( di qiú shàng de rén) terrestrial
(lèi) kind
」 。
I'm saying "For the sake of Earth's environment," but actually it's "For the sake of the people living on Earth."

中国(zhōng guó) China
古代(gǔ dài) ancient times
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
(māo) cat
现在(xiàn zài) modern
我们( men) us
(suǒ) place
熟悉的(shú xī de) familiar
(māo) cat
很晚( hěn wǎn)
(cái) only then
(yóu) from
国外(guó wài) foreign
传入(chuán rù) afferent
中国的( zhōng guó de) sinic

In ancient China there were no cats; the cat that we are familiar with today was not imported into China from abroad until much later.

约翰(yuē hàn) Johan (name)
看起来(kàn qǐ lái) seemingly
(hěn) quite
勇敢(yǒng gǎn) courageous
(dàn) but
(gè) variant of 個个ge4
胆小鬼(dǎn xiǎo guǐ) coward

John is brave in appearance, but is in reality a coward.

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