其他 | 其他 | |||
qí tā | kei4 ta1 | |||
other than (that person)(sth or sb) else / the rest / in addition to the person mentioned above/ | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 我(wǒ) I 必(bì) must 须(xū) beard 努力学习 , 追上(zhuī shàng) to overtake 其他(qí tā) the rest 学生(xuéshēng) student 。 I had to study hard to keep up with the other students. 我的( de) my 一个(yī gè) a 兄弟(xiōng dì) brotherly 是(shì) is 老师(lǎo shī) teacher , 其他(qí tā) the rest 都是(dōushì) all 律师(lv shī) Lawyer 。 One of my brothers is a teacher and the others are lawyers. 把(bà) stem 它(tā) it (used for animals) 相较于 其他(qí tā) the rest 有意思(yǒuyìsī) fun 的(dedì) of 活动(huó dòng) shaky : 去(qù) to get rid of 电影院(diàn yǐng yuàn) cinema , 看书(kàn shū) to study , 散步(sàn bù) to walk , 跟(gēn) heel 朋友(péng you) friend 聊天(liáo tiān) to chat 等等(děng děng) hold on 。 Compare it to other enjoyable activities: going to the cinema, reading books, going for walks, chatting to friends etc. 如果(rú guǒ) if 一个人(yī gè rén) alone 有(yǒu) some 1 1 只羊( zhǐ yáng) , 除了(chú le) besides 9 只(zhǐ zhīzhī) only 之外(zhī wài) outside , 其他(qí tā) the rest 全部(quán bù) all 死了(sǐ le) to die , 那么(nà me) so 他还( tā huán) 剩下(shèng xià) left over 几只( jǐ zhǐ) 羊(yáng) goat 呢(níní) woolen material ? If a man had 11 sheep and all but 9 died, how many sheep would he have left? 我没有(wǒméiyǒu) 其他(qí tā) the rest 更好的( gēng hǎo de) preferable 事情(shì qing) thing 去做( qù zuò) 。 I have nothing better to do. 和(hé) with 其他(qí tā) the rest 公司(gōng sī) firm 一样(yī yàng yí yàng) identically , 我们( men) us 得(dé děiděi) must 向前看(xiàngqiánkàn) , 规划好(guī huà hǎo) to map out 未来(wèi lái) coming 。 Like any company, we've got to look ahead and plan for the future. 他(tā) another 和他( hé tā) 班上(bān shàng) (in the) class 其他(qí tā) the rest 男生(nán shēng) guy (young adult male) 一样(yī yàng yí yàng) identically 高(gāo) loud 。 He's just as tall as the other boys in his class. 汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name) 不比(bù bǐ) unlike 他(tā) another 班上(bān shàng) (in the) class 的(dedì) of 其他(qí tā) the rest 同学(tóng xué) fellow student 矮(ǎi) low 。 Tom is as tall as any student in his class is. 人们说 , 狐狸(húlí) (n) fox 比(bǐ bǐbì) ratio 其他(qí tā) the rest 动物(dòng wù) animal 要(yào) may 狡猾(jiǎo huá) crafty 。 People say that the fox is more cunning than other animals. | ||||
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其 他 |