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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
qí zhōng de
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
kei4 jung1 dik1
Short definition one of its
Usage frequency Somewhat infrequent
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学生们( xué shēng men) students
其中的(qí zhōng de) one of its
一个(yī gè) a
今天(jīn tiān) today
没来(méi lái) to have not come

One of the students didn't come today.

如果(rú guǒ) if
我们( men) us
更多的( gēng duō de) even more
努力(nǔ lì) great effort
(qù) to get rid of
保护(bǎo hù) to defend
雨林(yǔ lín) rainforest
很多(hěn duō) very many
其中的(qí zhōng de) one of its
稀有(xī yǒu) rare
物种(wù zhǒng) species
将会(jiāng huì) will (cause)
灭绝(miè jué) to die out

If we don't make the utmost effort to protect the rainforests, many of the rare species in them will become extinct.

(wǒ) I
那天(nà tiān) that day
碰到了( pèng dào le) to have bumped into
(wǒ) I
其中的(qí zhōng de) one of its
一个(yī gè) a
老朋友(lǎopéngyǒu) old friends

I met an old friend of mine the other day.

据估计( gū jì) according to estimates
只有(zhǐ yǒu) only
几百(jǐ bǎi) several hundred
(zhǐ zhīzhī) only
遗留(yí liú) to leave behind
(dedì) of
熊猫(xióng māo) panda
其中的(qí zhōng de) one of its
少数(shǎo shù) few
圈养( juān yǎng) to rear livestock in a shed
(zài) (located) at
中国(zhōng guó) China
(hé) with
国外(guó wài) foreign
(dedì) of
动物园(dòng wù yuán) zoo

It is estimated that only a few hundred pandas remain, with a small number of them being raised in zoos in China and abroad.

事物(shì wù) thing
两面(liǎng miàn) both sides
好的(hǎo de) good
一面(yī miàn yí miàn) one aspect
(hé) with
坏的(huàide) ILL
一面(yī miàn yí miàn) one aspect
不幸的是(bù xìng de shì bú xìng de shì) unfortunately
我们( men) us
往往(wǎng wǎng) frequently
只能(zhǐ néng) can only
看见(kàn jiàn) to see
其中的(qí zhōng de) one of its
一面(yī miàn yí miàn) one aspect

Everything has two sides: the good side and the bad side. Unfortunately, we usually see only one of them.

人们(rén men) people
可以(kě yǐ) can
(hěn) quite
容易地(róng yì di) facilely
看出(kàn chū kān chū) to see
其中的(qí zhōng de) one of its
差别(chā bié) disparity

People can easily tell the difference between them.

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