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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
guān diào
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
gwaan1 diu6
Short definition to turn off
Usage frequency Somewhat infrequent
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All available English definitions to switch offMDBG iconCantofish icon / to shut offMDBG icon / to turn offAdso icon/
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(duō) many
(kǒng) to fear
(bù) terror
(dedì) of
恐怖电影(kǒng bù diàn yǐng) horror movie
(yě) too
一部( yī bù) subdivision
电影(diàn yǐng) film
你把( nǐ bǎ)
荧幕(yíng mù) TV screen
关掉(guān diào) to turn off
(jiù) only
甚么事( shèn me shì) what?
也没有(yě méi yǒu) also not to be
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
可是(kě shì) but
人生(rén shēng) life (one's time on earth)
… …
(duǒ) to hide
(yě) too
(duǒ) to hide

A scary horror movie is only a movie. Once you turn off the screen it's all over, but life...you're stuck in it.

(tā) another
知道(zhī dào) to know
怎么(zěn me) how
关掉(guān diào) to turn off
引擎(yǐn qíng) engine (loanword)

He knows how to cut the engine.

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
最后一次( zuì hòu yī cì) very last
关掉(guān diào) to turn off
引擎(yǐn qíng) engine (loanword)
(shì) is
什么时候( shén me shí hòu) when?

When was the last time you cut the engine?

乔治(qiáo zhì) George (name)
如果(rú guǒ) if
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
不听(bù tīng) deafness
广播(guǎng bō) to publicize
(tā) it (used for animals)
关掉(guān diào) to turn off

George, if you are not listening to the radio then turn it off.

要是(yào shì) if
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
不在(bù zài) to be deceased
(tīng) to sentence
广播的( guǎng bō de) beamed
(huà) talk
(jiù) only
关掉(guān diào) to turn off
(tā) it (used for animals)

If you're not listening to the radio, turn it off.

(fǎ) law
集中(jí zhōng) collectively
注意力(zhù yì lì) attention
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
介意(jiè yì) to mind
关掉(guān diào) to turn off
电视(diàn shì) TV
(ma) (question tag)
I can't concentrate. Do you mind turning off the TV?

关掉(guān diào) to turn off
(tā) it (used for animals)

I can't shut it down.

(qǐng) to ask
(bà) stem
电视(diàn shì) TV
关掉(guān diào) to turn off

Please turn off the television.

(bà) stem
(tā) it (used for animals)
关掉(guān diào) to turn off

Turn it off.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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