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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
guān shàng le
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
gwaan1 seung6 liu5
Short definition to close
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(mén) valve
(kā kǎ) (used as phonetic ka)
(dā) phonetic
一声(yī shēng) sound
关上了(guān shàng le) to close

The door clicked shut.

她把( tā bǎ)
房间里(fáng jiān lǐ) in the room
(dedì) of
窗子(chuāng zǐ chuāng zi) window
全都(quán dōu) without exception
关上了(guān shàng le) to close

She closed all the windows in the room.

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
鼻子(bí zi) nose
怎么了(zěn me le) what's wrong
? 」 「
(wǒ) I
刚才(gāng cái) just now
(dào) however
车的( chē de) vehicular
时候(shíhòu) time
(xiǎng) to wish
探头(tàn tóu) a probe
(chū) to publish
(chuāng) shutter
看清楚(kànqìchǔ) to watch clearly
后面(hòumiàn) back
有没有(yǒu méi yǒu) to have or not to have
(rén) man
我以为( yǐ wéi) I believe
车窗(chē chuāng) car window
(shì) is
(dedì) of
谁知(shuí zhī) unexpectedly
关上了(guān shàng le) to close
一头(yī tóu) directly
撞到(zhuàng dào) to hit
车窗(chē chuāng) car window
上了(shàng le) to board
。 」
"What happened to your nose?" "When I was backing my car up I went to check behind me, convinced that the car window was open, and bashed my face into it!"

(tā) another
(pà) perhaps
(huìkuài) will
下雨(xià yǔ) rainy
所以(suǒ yǐ) as a result
(chuāng) shutter
关上了(guān shàng le) to close

He closed the window for fear of rain.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
静静地(jìng jìng di) quietly
关上了(guān shàng le) to close
(wò) to lie down in
室的( shì de) ventricular
(mén) valve

Tom quietly closed the bedroom door.

商店(shāng diàn) shop
(dedì) of
卷帘门(juǎn lián mén) roll-up door
已经(yǐ jīng) already
关上了(guān shàng le) to close

The shop's roller door is already shut.

为了(wèi le) in order to
(xǐng) to come to
宝宝(bǎo bǎo) baby
(wǒ) I
静静地(jìng jìng di) quietly
关上了(guān shàng le) to close
(mén) valve

I shut the door quietly so as not to wake the baby.

玛丽(mǎ lì) Mary or Marie (name)
悄悄地(qiāo qiāo de) gently
关上了(guān shàng le) to close
(mén) valve

Mary closed the door quietly.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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