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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
shàng zhōu rì
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
seung6 jau1 yat6
Short definition last Sunday
Usage frequency Very infrequent
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上周日( shàng zhōu rì) last Sunday
妈妈(mā ma) mama
(jǐ) to provide
(wǒ) I
买了(mǎi le) to buy
(jiàn) component
漂亮的( piāo liàng de) posh
衣服(yīfú) clothes

My mother bought me a pretty dress this past Sunday.

上周日( shàng zhōu rì) last Sunday
你去( nǐ qù)
哪儿(nǎér) wherever
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

Where did you go last Sunday?

我们( men) us
上周日( shàng zhōu rì) last Sunday
开车去( kāi chē qù) to drive a car to
箱根(xiāng gēn) Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tky

We drove to Hakone last Sunday.

上周日( shàng zhōu rì) last Sunday
我的( de) my
老板(lǎo bǎn) boss
要我( yào)
工作(gōng zuò) job

My boss made me work last Sunday.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
上周日( shàng zhōu rì) last Sunday
卧病在床 。
Tom was sick in bed last Sunday.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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