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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
sān tiáo
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(saam1 tiu4 )
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Usage frequency Very infrequent
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Sentence examples
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三条( sān tiáo)
马路(mǎ lù) road
还有(hái yǒu) also
医院(yī yuàn) hospital
(hé) with
公园(gōng yuán) park (for public recreation)

Three streets, as well as a park and a hospital.

印度(yìn dù) India
国旗(guó qí) national flag
叫做(jiào zuò) to be known as
三色(sān sè) three colors
(qí) flag
」 ,
因为(yīn wèi) because
它是( tā shì)
(yóu) from
三条( sān tiáo)
不同(bù tóng) different
颜色的( yán sè de) tinctorial
色条(sè tiáo) vitta
组成的( zǔ chéng de) compositive
(zōu) ,
白色(bái sè) anti-communist
(hé) with
绿色(lv sè) green

The Indian flag is called the tricolour because it has stripes of three colours – saffron, white and green.

昨天(zuó tiān) yesterday
(wǒ) I
三条( sān tiáo)
(yú) fish

I caught three fish yesterday.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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