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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
sān shí liù
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
saam1 sap6 luk6
Short definition 36
Usage frequency Somewhat infrequent
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All available English definitions thirty sixLDC iconCantofish icon / 36Cantofish icon /
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Sentence examples
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这次(zhè cì) now
跑步(pǎo bù) to run
比赛(bǐ sài) match
(sān) 3
以下(yǐ xià) below
包括(bāo kuò) to include
(sān) 3
(dedì) of
人参加(rén cān jiā) people to participate in
青年(qīng nián) the young
(zǔ) team
三十六(sān shí liù) 36
(suì) (a measure word)
(dào) to go
五十岁的( wǔ shí suì de) quinquagenary
人参加(rén cān jiā) people to participate in
中年(zhōng nián) middle age
(zǔ) team
(wǔ) five
十一岁( shí yī suì)
(yǐ) with
(shàng) upper
(dedì) of
人参加(rén cān jiā) people to participate in
老年(lǎo nián) old age
(zǔ) team

For this race, people under the age of 35 (including 35) join the young people's group; people from 36 to 50 years old join the middle-aged group and people 51 or over join the elderly group.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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