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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
sān shí
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
saam1 sap6
Short definition 30
Usage frequency Very common
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我们( men) us
学校里(xué xiào lǐ) at the school
(yǒu) some
三十(sān shí) 30
班级(bān jí) classes or grades in school

There are 30 classes in our school.

(wǒ) I
(dì) the
一次(yī cì) once
遇到(yù dào) to meet
她的( tā de)
时候(shíhòu) time
她将(tā jiāng) shell
(jìn) near
三十(sān shí) 30
岁的( suì de) highteen
年纪(nián jì) age

When I first met her, she was nearly 30 years old.

我们( men) us
(bān) team
(yǒu) some
三十(sān shí) 30
(míng) name
学生(xuéshēng) student

There are 30 students in our class.

这个(zhè gè) this one
(yào) may
三十(sān shí) 30
欧元(ōu yuán) Euro (currency)

This will cost €30.

这么(zhè me) so much
狭小的( xiá xiǎo de) poky
房间(fáng jiān) room
(yào) may
三十(sān shí) 30
(yuán) first
(tài) too
。 」
他想( tā xiǎng)

"30 Yuan is far too expensive for that little room", he thought.

星期一(xīng qī yī) Monday
(shì) is
T o m
(dedì) of
三十(sān shí) 30
(suì) (a measure word)
生日(shēng rì) birthday

Monday is Tom's thirtieth birthday.

(zhè) these
(xiǎo) few
(zhèn) to calm
(dedì) of
天气(tiān qì) weather
十分(shí fēn) very
暖和(nuǎn huo nuǎn huó) warm
(zài) (located) at
盛夏(shèng xià) midsummer
温度计(wēn dù jì) thermometer
(yě) too
很少(hěn shǎo) seldom
(huìkuài) will
升到(shēng dào) to rise to
三十(sān shí) 30
(dùduó) standard

The climate of this town is so mild that the thermometer seldom rises to thirty degrees, even in midsummer.

T o m
(qiàn) yawn
M a r y
三十(sān shí) 30
(yuán) first

Tom owes Mary thirty dollars.

(tā) another
到了(dào le dào liǎo) finally
三十(sān shí) 30
(suì) (a measure word)
(cái) only then
开始(kāi shǐ) to begin
画画(huà huà) to draw

It was not until he was thirty that he started to paint.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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