三个 | 三個 | |||
sān ge | /(saam1 go3 ) | |||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 他(tā) another 结(jiéjiē) firm 婚(hūn) to marry 了(liǎo) (of eyes) bright , 而且有(érqiěyǒu) 三个(sān ge) 孩子(hái zi) child 。 He's married and has three children. 不好意思(bùhǎoyìsī) embarassing , 让我( ràng) 指出(zhǐ chū) to point out 先前(xiān qián) previous 文章(wén zhāng) essay 的(dedì) of 三个(sān ge) 错误(cuò wù) false 。 Excuse me, let me point out three mistakes in the above article. 他们(tā men) they 现在(xiàn zài) modern 有(yǒu) some 三个(sān ge) 小孩(xiǎo hái) child 。 They have three children now. 演唱会(yǎn chàng huì) vocal recital or concert 大概(dà gài) about 持续(chí xù) to persist 三个(sān ge) 小时(xiǎo shí) hour 。 The concert will probably last three hours. 汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name) 有(yǒu) some 三个(sān ge) 姐姐(jiějiě) older sister 。 Tom has three older sisters. 我有(wǒyǒu) 三个(sān ge) 堂兄(táng xiōng) older male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather) 。 I have three cousins. 演唱会(yǎn chàng huì) vocal recital or concert 大概(dà gài) about 开了(kāi le) to turn on 三个(sān ge) 小时(xiǎo shí) hour 。 The concert lasted about three hours. 三角形(sān jiǎo xíng) triangle 有(yǒu) some 三个(sān ge) 角(jiǎojué) angle , 而(ér) with 六边形(liù biān xíng) hexagon 有(yǒu) some 六个(liù ge) 角(jiǎojué) angle A triangle has 3 corners, and a hexagon has 6 corners. 鲁(lǔ) rude 本是(běnshì) 三个(sān ge) 孩子(hái zi) child 的(dedì) of 爸爸( bà bà) (informal) father 。 Rubén is the father of three children. | ||||
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