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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
sān ge
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(saam1 go3 )
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Sentence examples
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(tā) another
(jiéjiē) firm
(hūn) to marry
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
三个(sān ge)
孩子(hái zi) child

He's married and has three children.

不好意思(bùhǎoyìsī) embarassing
让我( ràng)
指出(zhǐ chū) to point out
先前(xiān qián) previous
文章(wén zhāng) essay
(dedì) of
三个(sān ge)
错误(cuò wù) false

Excuse me, let me point out three mistakes in the above article.

他们(tā men) they
现在(xiàn zài) modern
(yǒu) some
三个(sān ge)
小孩(xiǎo hái) child

They have three children now.

演唱会(yǎn chàng huì) vocal recital or concert
大概(dà gài) about
持续(chí xù) to persist
三个(sān ge)
小时(xiǎo shí) hour

The concert will probably last three hours.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
(yǒu) some
三个(sān ge)
姐姐(jiějiě) older sister

Tom has three older sisters.

三个(sān ge)
堂兄(táng xiōng) older male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)

I have three cousins.

演唱会(yǎn chàng huì) vocal recital or concert
大概(dà gài) about
开了(kāi le) to turn on
三个(sān ge)
小时(xiǎo shí) hour

The concert lasted about three hours.

三角形(sān jiǎo xíng) triangle
(yǒu) some
三个(sān ge)
(jiǎojué) angle
(ér) with
六边形(liù biān xíng) hexagon
(yǒu) some
六个(liù ge)
(jiǎojué) angle

A triangle has 3 corners, and a hexagon has 6 corners.

(lǔ) rude
三个(sān ge)
孩子(hái zi) child
(dedì) of
爸爸( bà bà) (informal) father

Rubén is the father of three children.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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