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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yí xiàng
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yat1 hong6
Short definition a thing
Usage frequency Very common
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舅舅( jiù jiù) maternal uncle (informal)
(dedì) of
公司(gōng sī) firm
上个月(shàng gè yuè) last month
推出了(tuī chū le) to launch
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
新产品(xīn chǎn pǐn) new product

My uncle's company launched a new product last month.

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
完美的(wán měi de) perfect
工作(gōng zuò) job

You've done a perfect job.

(tā) she
(jù) to refuse
绝了( jué le)
(měi) each
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
提议(tí yì) to propose

She turned down every proposal.

选择(xuǎn zé) option
什么是(shénmashì) what is
(duì) for
(huò) or
(cuò) bad
(shì) is
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
艰难的( jiān nán de) burdensome
任务(rènwù) task
我们( men) us
(què) yet
必须(bì xū) must
(yào) may
完成(wán chéng) to total
(tā) it (used for animals)

It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it.

由于(yóu yú) since
两个(liǎng ge)
竞争对手(jìng zhēng duì shǒu) competitor
(dedì) of
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
(xīn) Singapore
协议(xié yì) pact
我们( men) us
需要(xū yào) to want
重新调整(zhòng xīn diào zhěng) to readjust
战略(zhàn lvè) strategic

In consequence of a new agreement between two competitors, we need to readjust our strategies.

电脑(diàn nǎo) computer
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
有价值的( yǒu jià zhí de) ponderable
工具(gōng jù) tool

The computer is undoubtedly a valuable tool.

根据( gēn) basis
2 0 1 6
(nián) year
发表的( fā biǎo de) enunciable
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
研究(yán jiū) research
德国(dé guó) Germany
(shì) is
世界上(shì jiè shàng) in the world
最好的(zuìhǎode) greatest
国家(guó jiā) state
加拿大(jiā ná dà) Canada
(shì) is
第二好的( dì èr hǎo de) second-best
国家(guó jiā) state

According to a study published in 2016, Germany is the best country in the world and Canada is the second best country.

一项(yí xiàng) a thing
估计(gū jì) to reckon
显示(xiǎn shì) to show
今年(jīn nián) this year
(dedì) of
(gāng) steel
(tiě) old variant of 紩zhi4
产量(chǎn liàng) output
将会(jiāng huì) will (cause)
达到(dá dào) to reach
一亿(yī yì) 1 00 million
(dūn) ton

According to an estimate, steel production will reach 100 million tons this year.

在我们看来( zài men kàn lái) as far as I can see
太阳能电池(tài yáng néng diàn chí) solar cell
(shì) is
一项(yí xiàng) a thing
很好的( hěn hǎo de) corking
投资(tóu zī) investment

In our opinion, solar panels are a good investment.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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