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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī mén
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 mun4 )
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听说(tīng shuō) hearsay
意大利语(yì dà lì yǔ) Italian language
(shì) is
一门( yī mén)
(dedì) of
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language

I've heard Italian is a tricky language.

翻译(fān yì) translation
(shì) is
一门( yī mén)
学问(xué wèn) knowledge

Translation is a kind of special skill.

英语(yīng yǔ) English
成为了( chéng wéi le) to become
一门( yī mén)
国际(guó jì) international
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language

English has become an international language.

知道(zhī dào) to know
一门( yī mén)
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language
(shì) is
一回事(yī huí shì) one thing
(jiào) to make
(zhè) these
(mén) valve
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language
另一回事( lìng yī huí shì)

To know a language is one thing, and to teach it is another.

就算(jiù suàn) even if
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
明天(míng tiān) tomorrow
起床(qǐ chuáng) to get up
发现(fā xiàn) to discover
整个(zhěng gè) entire
宇宙(yǔ zhòu) cosmos
消失了 ,
还有(hái yǒu) also
一门( yī mén)
科学(kē xué) science
(shì) is
可以(kě yǐ) can
继续(jì xù) to continue
研究的( yán jiū de) investigative
(nà nā nā) Na
就是(jiù shì) if
数学(shù xué) mathematical
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.

以后(yǐ hòu) behind
(xué) -ology
一门( yī mén)
新的(xīn de) new
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language
不是(bú shì) is not
那么(nà me) so
容易(róng yì) easy

It's not that easy to learn a new language after fifty.

从严(cóng yán) strict
科学(kē xué) science
观点(guān diǎn) viewpoint
来看(lái kàn) to come and see
历史(lì shǐ) history
不能(bù néng) to be unable
算是(suàn shì) to count as
一门( yī mén)
科学(kē xué) science

From a strictly scientific point of view, history cannot be called a science.

德语(dé yǔ) German (language)
不是(bú shì) is not
一门( yī mén)
容易的( róng yì de) cushy
语言(yǔ yán) (spoken) language

German is not an easy language.

亚美尼亚语(yà měi ní yà yǔ) Armenian
(shì) is
一门( yī mén)
印欧语言(yìn ōu yǔ yán) Indo-European language

Armenian is an Indo-European language.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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