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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī bù
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 bou6 )
Short definition subdivision
Usage frequency Very common
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(duō) many
(kǒng) to fear
(bù) terror
(dedì) of
恐怖电影(kǒng bù diàn yǐng) horror movie
(yě) too
一部( yī bù) subdivision
电影(diàn yǐng) film
你把( nǐ bǎ)
荧幕(yíng mù) TV screen
关掉(guān diào) to turn off
(jiù) only
甚么事( shèn me shì) what?
也没有(yě méi yǒu) also not to be
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
可是(kě shì) but
人生(rén shēng) life (one's time on earth)
… …
(duǒ) to hide
(yě) too
(duǒ) to hide

A scary horror movie is only a movie. Once you turn off the screen it's all over, but life...you're stuck in it.

她是( tā shì)
一部( yī bù) subdivision
活生生(huó shēng shēng) real (people)
(dedì) of
厨艺(chú yì) culinary
百科全书(bǎi kē quán shū) encyclopedia

She has an encyclopedic knowledge of cooking.

(tā) another
(zuó) yesterday
(tiān) sky
看了(kàn le) to look at
一部( yī bù) subdivision
(qù) to interest
(dedì) of
小说(xiǎo shuō) novel

Yesterday, he read the most interesting novel.

(wǒ) I
一直(yī zhí yì zhí) always
忙于(máng yú) to be busy with
(xiě) to write
一部( yī bù) subdivision
短篇小说(duǎn piān xiǎo shuō) narrative

I've been busy writing a short story.

莎士比亚的( shā shì bǐ yà de) shakesperian
麦克白(mài kè bái) Macbeth (name)
(shì) is
一部( yī bù) subdivision
悲剧(bēi jù) tragedy

Shakespeare's "Macbeth" is a tragedy.

(dàn) but
我想(wǒxiǎng) I guess
(yào) may
一部( yī bù) subdivision
(jū) car

But I want a car.

(wǒ) I
(jué) awake
(dé děiděi) must
一部( yī bù) subdivision
电影(diàn yǐng) film
(bǐ bǐbì) ratio
任何(rèn hé) any
(shū) book
(qù) to interest

I think a film is more interesting than any book.

(tā) she
(mǎi) to purchase
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
一部( yī bù) subdivision
照相机(zhào xiàng jī) camera
(jǐ) to provide
(tā) she
儿子(ér zi) son

She bought her son a camera.

(kàn) to read
一部( yī bù) subdivision
法国(fǎ guó) France
(piàn) sheet

You want to watch a French film, is that right?

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