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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī liàng chē
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 leung2 che1 )
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Usage frequency Very infrequent
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(wǒ) I
(zuó) yesterday
(tiān) sky
(zài) (located) at
D e r r y
买了(mǎi le) to buy
一辆车( yī liàng chē)

I bought a car in Derry yesterday.

(xiàng) always
(chuāng) shutter
(wài) outside
望去( wàng qù)
一辆车( yī liàng chē)
驶来( shǐ lái)

Looking out the window, I saw a car coming.

一辆车( yī liàng chē)

I have a car.

(wǒ) I
(tīng) to sentence
(dào) to go
一辆车( yī liàng chē)
停了(tíng le) to stop
下来(xià lai) to come down

I heard a car pull up.

一辆车( yī liàng chē)
(chāo) ultra-
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

I was overtaken by one car.

去教堂(qù jiào táng) to go to church
参加(cān jiā) to join
礼拜(lǐ bài) week
不会(bù huì) not able
马上(mǎ shàng) at once
(jiù) only
变成(biàn chéng) to change into
一个(yī gè) a
基督徒(jī dū tú) Christian
(jiù) only
好像(hǎo xiàng) to seem like
站在(zhàn zài) to stand at
(jū) car
不会(bù huì) not able
变成(biàn chéng) to change into
一辆车( yī liàng chē)
一样(yī yàng yí yàng) identically

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

我想(wǒxiǎng) I guess
(yào) may
一辆车( yī liàng chē)
(dàn) but
(qián) money
(mǎi) to purchase

I want a car, but I have no money to buy one.

一辆车( yī liàng chē)
全速(quán sù) top speed
经过(jīng guò) course

A car passed by at top speed.

一辆车( yī liàng chē)
(líng) age
八年(bā nián) eight years
(dedì) of
车子(chē zi) small vehicle (car, bicycle, cart etc)
(háo) hair
无价值的( wú jià zhí de) NULL

An eight-year-old car is almost worthless.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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