一路 | 一路 | |||
yī lù | yat1 lou6 | |||
continually / the whole journey / of the same kind / going the same way / all the way / going in the same direction / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 去医院(qù yī yuàn) to go to the hospital 要(yào) may 坐(zuò) to sit 哪( nǎ) how 一路(yī lù) all the way 公交(gōng jiāo) public transit ? How can I get to the hospital by bus? 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 一路(yī lù) all the way 往前走(wǎng qián zǒu) to walk forward , 过了(guòle) 红绿灯(hóng lv dēng) traffic signal 就(jiù) only 到了(dào le dào liǎo) finally 。 Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. 小时候(xiǎoshíhòu) when young , 出(chū) to publish 门的( mén de) hilar 时候(shíhòu) time , 祖父(zǔ fù) grandfather fathers side 总是(zǒng shì) always 对(duì) for 我说( shuō) , “ 祝你(zhù nǐ) Wishing you 一路(yī lù) all the way 逆风(nì fēng) contrary wind ! “ , 长大(zhǎng dà) to grow up 以后(yǐ hòu) behind 才(cái) only then 明白(míng bai) clear 在(zài) (located) at 他的( tā de) 眼中(yǎn zhōng) in one's eyes 我是(wǒshì) 那(nà nā nā) Na 高飞(gāo fēi) to soar 的(dedì) of 风筝(fēng zhēng) kite 。 When I left home in my younger days, grandpa always told me, "May you have an upwind journey!" It was only when I grew up did I realise that I was the high-flying kite in his eyes. | ||||
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一 路 |