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/(yat1 tong3 )
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我们( men) us
俄罗斯(é luó sī) Russian

We went to Russia.

我们( men) us
正好(zhèng hǎo) to happen to
赶上(gǎn shàng) in time for
最后(zuì hòu) last
火车(huǒ chē) train

We just managed to catch the last train.

今天下午(jīn tiān xià wǔ) this afternoon
(dào) to go
(lái) next

Come to my house this afternoon.

(wǒ) I
(xū) must
要去( yào qù)
中国建设银行(zhōng guó jiàn shè yín háng) China Construction Bank

I need to go to the China Construction Bank.

脸色(liǎn sè) complexion
这么(zhè me) so much
(chā cī) poor
不要紧(bù yào jǐn) never mind
(ma) (question tag)
要不(yào bù) otherwise
还是(hái shì) or
(qù) to get rid of
医院(yī yuàn) hospital
比较好(bǐ jiào hǎo) comparatively better
(ba) dumb

Your face looks pale. Are you OK? Maybe it would be better if you went to the hospital, don't you think?

今天下午(jīn tiān xià wǔ) this afternoon
(wǒ) I
(yào) cure
(zhuāng) trousseau
(diàn) inn

This afternoon I went to a pharmacy.

如果(rú guǒ) if
时间的( shí jiān de) horary
(huà) talk
, 请过来

Please come over if you have time.

(wǒ) I
办公室(bàn gōng shì) office

Please come in to my office.

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