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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī jiǎo
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 geuk3 )
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Sentence examples
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我的( de) my
背部(bèi bù) (anatomy) dorsum
(bèi) quilt
一脚( yī jiǎo)

I was kicked in the back.

罗纳尔多(luó nà ěr duō) Ronaldo (name)
一脚( yī jiǎo)
射门(shè mén) to shoot
打进(dǎ jìn) to breach
制胜(zhì shèng) to prevail
一球( yī qiú)

Ronaldo shot the ball right into the back of the net to score the winning goal.

(zài) (located) at
(sǐ) rigid
(qiú) match
期间(qī jiān) period of time
路易斯(lù yì sī) Louis or Lewis (name)
跑向( pǎo xiàng)
(qiú) match
一脚( yī jiǎo)
踢上去 。
When the ball was dead, Luis ran up to the ball and booted it.

西班牙(xī bān yá) Spanish
(duì) group
(xiàng) such as
往常(wǎng cháng) as it used to be
一样(yī yàng yí yàng) identically
炫耀(xuàn yào) to flaunt
他们(tā men) they
一脚( yī jiǎo)
(chuán zhuàn zhuàn) biography
球的( qiú de) spherical

As usual the Spanish team are showing off their skills at one-touch football.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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