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yī bǐ | /(yat1 bat1 ) | |||
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Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 他在( tā zài) 上个(shàng gè) the above 景气(jǐng qì) prosperity 时期(shí qī) phase 炒股(chǎo gǔ) (coll.) to speculate in stocks 攒(cuán) to save 下了(xiàle) 一笔( yī bǐ) brushstroke 钱(qián) money 。 He amassed a fortune in stock trading during the last boom. 这是(zhèshì) 一笔( yī bǐ) brushstroke 不错的(búcuòde) 交易(jiāo yì) exchange 。 It's a good deal. 他(tā) another 拿(ná) to take 到了(dào le dào liǎo) finally 很大(hěn dà) tremendous 一笔( yī bǐ) brushstroke 钱(qián) money 。 He got a lot of money. | ||||
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一 笔 |