一种 | 一種 | |||
yī zhǒng | yat1 jung2 | |||
one kind of / a type of / one type of / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 宗教(zōng jiào) religion 在(zài) (located) at 一般人(yī bān rén) average person 的(dedì) of 眼中(yǎn zhōng) in one's eyes 是(shì) is 真理(zhēn lǐ) truth , 在(zài) (located) at 智者(zhì zhě) sage 的(dedì) of 眼中(yǎn zhōng) in one's eyes 是(shì) is 谎言(huǎng yán) lie , 而在( ér zài) 统治者的( tǒng zhì zhě de) gubernatorial 眼中(yǎn zhōng) in one's eyes 则是(zé shì) to imitate 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 工具(gōng jù) tool 。 Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. “ 网络成瘾(wǎng luò chéng yǐn) web addiction 症(zhēng zhèng zhèng) disease ” 这个(zhè gè) this one 理念(lǐ niàn) idea 将(jiāngjiàngqiāng) ready 意味着( yì wèi) to mean “ 网络(wǎng luò) network (computer, telecom etc) ” 是(shì) is 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 可以(kě yǐ) can 下定义(xià dìng yì) to define 的(dedì) of 活动(huó dòng) shaky 。 The concept of “Internet addiction” implies that “the Internet” is some sort of definable activity. 独角兽(dú jiǎo shòu) Unicorn 是(shì) is 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 美丽的( měi lí de) beauteous 怪物(guàiwù) freak 。 The unicorn is a fabulous monster. 警察(jǐng chá) police officer 总(zǒng) generally 吃(chī) to eat 甜甜圈( tián tián juān) donut 是(shì) is 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 刻板印象(kè bǎn yìn xiàng) stereotype 。 It is a stereotype that police officers always eat doughnuts. 黑色(hēi sè) black 其实(qí shí) really 不是(bú shì) is not 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 颜色(yán sè) color , 而是(ér shì) rather 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 没有(méi yǒu) not to have 颜色的( yán sè de) tinctorial 状态(zhuàng tài) mode 。 In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color. 懂得(dǒng dé dǒng de) to understand 用电脑( yòng diàn nǎo) to use the computer 是(shì) is 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 优势(yōu shì) advantage 。 It is an advantage to be able to use a computer. 麦根沙士 被视为(bèi shì wéi) to be seen as 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 经典(jīng diǎn) scriptures 的(dedì) of 美式(měi shì) American style 碳酸(tàn suān) acrated 饮品(yǐn pǐn) beverage 。 Root beer is considered a classic American carbonated soft drink. 牛(niú) ox 是(shì) is 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 反刍类的( fǎn chú lèi de) ruminant 哺乳动物(bǔ rǔ dòng wù) mammal 。 Ruminants are a group of mammals. 压缩(yā suō) to compress 数据( shù) data 的(dedì) of 算法(suàn fǎ) arithmetic 能(néng) may 分为(fēn wéi) to subdivide 两种(liǎngzhǒng) : 一种(yī zhǒng) one type of 会(huìkuài) will 造成(zào chéng) to create 数据( shù) data 损失(sǔn shī) to lose , 另一种(lìng yī zhǒng) another type of 则(zé) rule 不会(bù huì) not able 。 Data compression algorithms can be classified in two categories: those with data loss and those without data loss. | ||||
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一 种 |