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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī bān
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 baan1 )
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(tā) another
可能(kě néng) maybe
坐下(zuò xia) to sit down
一班( yī bān)
(jū) car

He may be on the next train.

最后(zuì hòu) last
一班( yī bān)
(jū) car
已经(yǐ jīng) already
走了(zǒu le) to go

The last train has already gone.

我从( cōng)
车站(chē zhàn) bus stop
(dā) to add
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
一班( yī bān)
(dào) to go
旅馆(lv guǎn) hotel
(dedì) of
计程车(jì chéng chē) taxi

I took a taxi from the station to the hotel.

可是(kě shì) but
(zhè) these
不是(bú shì) is not
最后(zuì hòu) last
一班( yī bān)
火车(huǒ chē) train
对吧(duì ba) isn't that right

But that's not the last train, right?

我们( men) us
(néng) may
赶上(gǎn shàng) in time for
最后(zuì hòu) last
一班( yī bān)
火车(huǒ chē) train

We were able to catch the last train.

(tā) another
(cuò) bad
最后(zuì hòu) last
一班( yī bān)
火车(huǒ chē) train

He missed the last train.

但是(dàn shì) but
(wǒ) I
建议(jiàn yì) proposal
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(chéng) to ride
(dedì) of
成田(chéng tián) Narita airport (Tokyo)
特急(tè jí) top priority
(měi) each
三十分钟(sān shí fēn zhōng) halfhour
(zhì) most
一个(yī gè) a
小时(xiǎo shí) hour
一班( yī bān)
列车(liè chē) (railway) train
(cóngcóng) from
机场(jī chǎng) airport
开出(kāichū) to develop into
) ,
不用(bù yòng) need not
转车(zhuǎn chē zhuàn chē) to transfer
这么(zhè me) so much
麻烦(máfán) annoying

However, I recommend that you take the JR Narita Express (a train leaves every 30-60 minutes from the airport), to avoid the complexity of changing trains.

(měi) each
2 0
分钟(fēn zhōng) minute
(yǒu) some
一班( yī bān)
(jū) car

There is a bus every 20 minutes.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
可能(kě néng) maybe
(cuò) bad
最后(zuì hòu) last
一班( yī bān)
列车(liè chē) (railway) train

Tom might've missed the last train.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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