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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī piàn
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yat1 pin3
Short definition piece
Usage frequency Very common
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前途(qián tú) journey
一片(yī piàn) piece
阴暗(yīn àn) dim

The future looked very gloomy.

我吃( chī)
一片(yī piàn) piece
西瓜(xī guā) watermelon

I am eating a slice of watermelon.

突然(tū rán) sudden
一切(yī qiè yí qiè) all
变成(biàn chéng) to change into
漆黑(qī hēi) pitch-black
一片(yī piàn) piece
(wǒ) I
失去了(shī qù le) to lose
意识(yì shí) to realize

Suddenly everything went black and I lost consciousness.

(wǒ) I
(jiàn jiàn) to see
(dào) to go
一片(yī piàn) piece
白云(bái yún) white clouds
在空中(zài kōng zhōng) in the sky

I saw a white cloud sailing across the sky.

我吃( chī)
一片(yī piàn) piece
面包(miàn bāo) bread

I eat a slice of bread.

这个(zhè gè) this one
(dǎo) island
(cóngcóng) from
远方(yuǎn fāng) far away
看起来(kàn qǐ lái) seemingly
(xiàng) such as
一片(yī piàn) piece
(yún) cloud

Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.

球迷们( qiú mí men) fans
自己(zì jǐ) herself
喜欢(xǐ huān) to like
(dedì) of
球队(qiú duì) ball team
欢呼(huān hū) to acclaim
(kàn) to read
台上(tái shàng) on stage
总是(zǒng shì) always
一片(yī piàn) piece
热闹(rè nào) exciting
(dedì) of
景象(jǐng xiàng) scene

There was a lot of excitement in the stands as the fans cheered for their teams.

天上(tiān shàng) in the heavens
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
一片(yī piàn) piece
(yún) cloud

There isn't a cloud in the sky.

一片(yī piàn) piece
一片(yī piàn) piece
(dedì) of
白云(bái yún) white clouds
在上(zàishàng) supra
(kòng) sky

Clouds sail across the sky.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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