一架飞机 | 一架飛機 | |||
yī jià fēi jī | /(yat1 ga3 fei1 gei1 ) | |||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 根据( gēn) basis 电视新闻( diàn shì xīn wén) TV news , 一架飞机 在(zài) (located) at 印度(yìn dù) India 坠(zhuì) to drop 毁了(huǐle) 。 According to TV news, there was a plane crash in India. 一架飞机 在(zài) (located) at 这个(zhè gè) this one 城市(chéng shì) urban 上空(shàng kōng) air 飞行(fēi xíng) flight 。 A plane is flying above the city. 根据( gēn) basis 报载(bào zǎi) newspaper report , 有(yǒu) some 一架飞机 昨天晚上(zuó tiān wǎn shang) yesterday evening 发生了(fā shēng le) to have happened 意外(yì wài) mishap 。 According to newspaper reports, there was an airplane accident last evening. | ||||
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一 架 飞 机 |