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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī yuè
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yat1 yut6
Short definition January
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions JanuaryCdict iconMDBG iconCantofish icon / first month (of the lunar year)MDBG icon/
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Copyleft icon Cantofish icon Cantofish: January; first month
Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: January; first month (of the lunar year)
Copyleft icon LDC icon LDC: first month; January; Jan; Ja; ; january
Copyleft icon Cdict icon CDict: first month; January'
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Sentence examples
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一月(yī yuè) January
(dedì) of
出口量(chū kǒu liàng) export volume
比去年同期( bǐ qù nián tóng qī) compared to the same period last year
上升(shàng shēng) to ascend
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

Exports in January were up 20% over the same period of last year.

他下( tā xià)
(gè) variant of 個个ge4
一月(yī yuè) January
(cóngcóng) from
新加坡(xīn jiā pō) Singapore
(huí) chapter

He comes back from Singapore next January.

一月(yī yuè) January
(shì) is
一年(yìnián) twelvemonth
(zhī) him
中的(zhòng dì) to hit the target
(tóu tóu) head
一个月( yī ge yuè)

January is the first month of the year.

中国(zhōng guó) China
(dedì) of
一月(yī yuè) January
一日( yī rì)
(wèi) for
春节(chūn jié) Spring Festival
(shì) is
中国人民(zhōng guó rén mín) the Chinese people
(zuì) the most
隆重的( lōng zhòng de) red-carpet
传统节日( chuán tǒng jié rì) traditional holiday

The first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar is Spring Festival, the most important festival for the people of China.

他的( tā de)
(shū) book
仅仅(jǐn jǐn) merely
一月(yī yuè) January
(qián) first
出版(chū bǎn) press
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
(qiě) yet
已经(yǐ jīng) already
一千(yī qiān) one thousand
(cè) booklet

His book was published just one month ago, and it has already sold thousands of copies.

一月(yī yuè) January
在这里(zài zhè lǐ) here
下雪(xià xuě) to snow

We have snow in January.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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