一大 | 一大 | |||
yī dà | /(yat1 daai6 ) | |||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 读书(dú shū) to attend school 是(shì) is 人生(rén shēng) life (one's time on earth) 一大( yī dà) 快事(kuàishì) 。 Reading is one of life's great pleasures. 灰(huī) ash 暗的(ànde) murk 天空(tiān kōng) sky 突然(tū rán) sudden 下(xià) below 起了(qǐle) 一大( yī dà) 滴(dī) to drip 一大( yī dà) 滴(dī) to drip 的(dedì) of 雨(yǔ) to wet 来(lái) next 。 All of a sudden, large drops of rain began falling from the dark sky. 该死的( gāi sǐ de) blamed ! 你(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female) 吓了(xiàle) 我(wǒ) I 一大( yī dà) 跳(tiào) to leap ! Shit! You scared me half to death! | ||||
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一 大 |