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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī chǎng
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 cheung4 )
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他们(tā men) they
小型的( xiǎo xíng de) miniative
示威(shì wēi) a demonstration
引发(yǐn fā) to cause
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
一场( yī chǎng)
大规模的( dà guī mó de) big-time
游行(yóu xíng) march

Their small protest triggered a mass demonstration.

一场( yī chǎng)
交通意外(jiāo tōng yì wài) car crash
(zhōngzhòng) among
(zhé) to fold
(tuǐ) leg

My leg was broken in a traffic accident.

明天(míng tiān) tomorrow
一场( yī chǎng)
大雪(dà xuě) large snowfall

Tomorrow there will be a big snowfall.

(zài) (located) at
(huí) chapter
(jiā) home
(dedì) of
路上(lùshàng) on the road
一场( yī chǎng)
阅兵式( yuè bīng shì) troop review ceremony

I caught sight of a parade on my way home.

他在( tā zài)
一场( yī chǎng)
交通事故(jiāo tōng shì gù) traffic accident
(zhōngzhòng) among
严重(yán zhòng) serious
受伤(shòu shāng) harmed

He was seriously injured in a traffic accident.

(tā) she
(sǐ) rigid
(yú) by
一场( yī chǎng)
汽车(qì chē) car
车祸(chē huò) car crash

She was killed in an automobile accident.

(tā) another
(jǔ) move
(bàn) to do
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
一场( yī chǎng)
舞会(wǔ huì) ball

He held a ball.

(zài) (located) at
(shǔ) summer
(jià) if
之后(zhī hòu) later
我们( men) us
马上(mǎ shàng) at once
一场( yī chǎng)
考试(kǎo shì) to test

We have exams right after summer vacation.

这里(zhè lǐ) here
刚刚(gāng gāng) just recently
一场( yī chǎng)
大雪(dà xuě) large snowfall

A lot of snow had just fallen.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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