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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī zhōu de
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 jau1 dik1 )
Short definition hebdomadal
Usage frequency Very infrequent
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Sentence examples
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(zài) (located) at
西(xī) west
(bān) team
(yá) tooth
日历(rì lì) calendar
(zhōngzhòng) among
一周的( yī zhōu de) hebdomadal
开始(kāi shǐ) to begin
(shì) is
周一(zhōu yī) Monday

In the Spanish calendar, the week begins with Monday.

周日(zhōu rì) Sunday
(shì) is
一周的( yī zhōu de) hebdomadal
最后一天(zuì hòu yī tiān) final day

Sunday is the last day of the week.

(tā) another
一周的( yī zhōu de) hebdomadal
收入(shōu rù) income
不超过( bù chāo guò) not more than
5 0
美元(měi yuán) US dollar

He earns not more than 50 dollars a week.

(tā) another
(xiū) to rest
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
一周的( yī zhōu de) hebdomadal
(jià) if

He took a week off.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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