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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī míng
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 ming4 )
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(tā) another
(mèng) dream
想着( xiǎng)
成为(chéng wéi) to become
一名( yī míng)
英雄(yīng xióng) hero

He dreamed of being a hero.

一名( yī míng)
警察(jǐng chá) police officer

I'm not a policeman.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
(shì) is
一名( yī míng)
教授(jiào shòu) Professor
不是吗(bù shì ma bú shì ma) aren't they

Tom is a professor, isn't he?

一名( yī míng)
教授(jiào shòu) Professor
不是吗(bù shì ma bú shì ma) aren't they

You're a professor, aren't you?

(zhāo) facing
一日( yī rì)
(huìkuài) will
成为(chéng wéi) to become
一名( yī míng)
医生(yī shēng) doctor

I will be a doctor someday.

她是( tā shì)
一名( yī míng)
无人(wú rén) unmanned
(néng) may
(dí) match
(dedì) of
歌手(gē shǒu) singer

She is a singer without equal.

一名( yī míng)
警官(jǐng guān) constable
跑过( pǎo guò) to run past

A policeman ran past.

(zhì) mark
成为(chéng wéi) to become
一名( yī míng)
律师(lv shī) Lawyer

I intend to become a lawyer.

(tā) another
(gào) to accuse
(sù) to tell
(wǒ) I
她不会( tā bù huì)
(gēn) heel
他说( tā shuō)
(chū) to publish
(tā) another
看到(kàn dào) to see
(wǒ) I
(jiǎng) to talk
关于(guān yú) about
一名( yī míng)
女孩(nv hái) lass
被杀(bèi shā) to be killed
(dedì) of
故事(gù shì) story
(dedì) of
那天(nà tiān) that day
(wǒ) I
发生的( fā shēng de) genesic
(shì) item

He told me that she will not tell him what happened to me on the day he saw me talking about the story about the girl who got killed.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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