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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī kǒu qì
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yat1 hau2 hei3
Short definition at a stretch
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All available English definitions in one breathCdict iconMDBG icon / at a stretchMDBG icon / respirationLDC icon/
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Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: one breath; in one breath; at a stretch
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Sentence examples
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(xī) to suck in
一口气(yī kǒu qì) at a stretch
妈的(mā de) damn

Breathe, damn you!

(zhēn) rare
(dedì) of
男朋友(nán péng you) boyfriend
一口气(yī kǒu qì) at a stretch
(bà) stem
整个(zhěng gè) entire
巧克力蛋糕( qiǎo kè lì dàn gāo) chocolate cake
吃得( chī dé)
一乾二净( yī gān èr jìng)
(bà) stem
(zhēn) rare
目瞪口呆(mù dèng kǒu dāi) stunned

Jane could not believe it when her date polished off an entire chocolate cake.

(tā) she
(sōng) to relax
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
一口气(yī kǒu qì) at a stretch

She gave out a sigh of relief.

(shēn) late
(xī) to suck in
一口气(yī kǒu qì) at a stretch
然后(rán hòu) thereupon
(bǐngpíng) reject
住气( zhù qì)

Take a breath and hold it.

(qǐng) to ask
(shēn) late
(xī) to suck in
一口气(yī kǒu qì) at a stretch

Please take a deep breath.

老人(lǎo rén) the elderly
(yān yè yè) to swallow
最后(zuì hòu) last
一口气(yī kǒu qì) at a stretch

The old man breathed his last.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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